Our History
Founded by the Center for Domestic Peace in 1997, Transforming Communities: Technical Assistance, Training, and Resource Center (TC-TAT), initially established to document and disseminate the best practices of its local prevention work and other successful community mobilization campaigns. TC-TAT has since delivered multi-cultural TAT to more than 6,000 individuals and 229 teams of practitioners nationally within the violence against women field. Over the years, TC-TAT has grown to be a nationally-recognized domestic violence and sexual assault primary prevention TAT specialist that is unique for its practice-based methodology as well as organizational development approach. Using a public health approach, gender-role analysis, and social movement theory to address the root causes of violence against women and girls, TC-TAT helps to build the capacity of violence against women organizations, allied organizations, and communities to do prevention work, strengthens, expands and mobilizes the prevention movement, and informs and influences policy and funding for prevention.
TC-TAT’s unique integration of theory and practice supports TC-TAT to be a leader in facilitating dialogue, advancing learning, generating new thinking and disseminating best practices.
TC-TAT’s capacity is reflected via its accomplishments:
- Delivered statewide TAT in California on VAW prevention through 18 major contracts with state and federal agencies (2002-2014), with a focus on underserved populations (communities with disabilities, of faith, geographically-isolated/rural, and monolingual immigrants);
- Currently providing TAT on organizational capacity building to grantees funded by the Office on Violence Against Women (2012-14);
- Piloted two national TAT tracks for a previous OVW TA grant (2006-09), with outcomes related to systems, organizational, and individual levels of change documented in the final publication “Leadership + Systems Change = Sustainability;”
- Served as the TA provider for the California Department of Public Health’s three-year (2008-11) prevention project, focusing on capacity building of organizations to provide comprehensive local VAW prevention programs across California;
- Served as a national TAT provider for the CDC’s DELTA program’s 14 state DV coalitions and their CCRs (2004-2005);
- Served as a California Dept. of Health Services statewide TAT provider on prevention for 35 projects (1997-2002);
- Assembled multiple project advisory committees and multicultural training teams that have generated and piloted new leading-edge curricula, with documented outcomes; and
- Created tools for evaluation, policy change, and community mobilization via numerous publications, toolkits, & materials disseminated nationally.